Ness And Co

Category: Day-to-Day

  • 1 year

    It is amazing to me that a whole year has gone by since the arrival of our little man.  The growth, both physical and developmental, happen so fast and in a blink of an eye you don’t have a baby but a toddler.  I have always been told to treasure the time when they are…

  • Learning self control

    Most of you know that I love sweets, specifically chocolate sweets. Growing up I must have had a very high metabolism because I consumed quite a lot of ice cream and candy without really ever gaining a lot of weight.  For the past couple of years I started noticing some changes and realized that my…

  • A Son's Love for His Father

    When I broke my arm back in December, Scott gladly stepped up and started taking care of parts of our daily routine that I could no longer do, such as picking Lucas up out of his crib, giving him a bath, etc.  Now that I am regaining strength in my arm, we rotate some responsibilities…

  • A Mother's Instinct

    There are many times in my new found motherhood that I feel like I have absolutely no idea what I am doing and I often just make an educated guess (and sometimes not even an educated one). But today I experienced what I can only chalk up to a mother’s instinct. I was wrapping up…

  • 9 months and crawling

    For the past few weeks now, Lucas has been really creeping his way across rooms in the house. He gets up on all fours but fish flops to where he wants to go. Well on his 9 month mark, he surprised us all by not only crawling but also by moving into a sitting position…

  • Clumsiness and a mother's love

    I am typing this post one handed as yesterday afternoon I fell and broke my arm.  I have always been a bit clumsy but have managed to avoid any serious injury until now.  I was headed out the door with Lucas and must have tripped on the walkway – in my attempt to stop the…

  • 1st cold

    Well Lucas officially has his 1st cold at 7 1/2 months.  His nose is really congested and his throat must be sore because his chatting has become scratchy and raspy.  Thankfully he seems to remain in good spirits despite not getting any sleep last night. Please lift him up in your prayers so that he…

  • At 7 months Lucas…

    Is sleeping 9 to 10 hours through the night (praise the Lord) Has 4 very sharp little teeth (2 top, 2 bottom) Is 25 lbs and 29 1/2 inches tall (last time we checked) Has started stringing together different sounds while chatting Is using both left and right hands to hold and play with toys…

  • Updates

    My apologies for the lack of posts in recent weeks. A lot of things have been going on which have kept me otherwise occupied. 1) Lucas is not sleeping well. (Which means mommy and daddy are not sleeping). Teething and reflux pain are mainly to blame but now that we have those two items identified…

  • Day # 130

    Inspired by Aunt Kathleen: 2:21 am – Starving.  I haven’t eaten in nearly 4 hours.  I sweetly call for my mother by screaming as loud as I can.  She arrives after 2 excruciating minutes and nourishes me.  I am not sure why but her eyes are closed the whole time… 4:45 am – I wake…