Ness And Co

Dinner Time and other news

Things have been pretty crazy around our house these days.  Lucas is closer and closer to walking and can zoom around the entire house on his knees.  On Monday I started watching my nephew, Cameron, during the day so that my sister-in-law can return to work.  I must admit that over the weekend I was feeling anxiety about this new responsibility but my fears were laid to rest on Monday.  While watching two boys at once is more tiring, it is also somewhat freeing.  It sounds strange but the easiest way for me to explain it is that prior to Monday the only thing I had to worry about was Lucas but now I simply can not devote all my attention to one child so both children are learning the value of patience while I learn that life doesn’t fit on a To-Do list.  Don’t be misled, I still keep my ever growing To-Do list to help me remember things but my days are less centered on what I can get done and more on caring, playing and loving two beautiful little boys.

So on to my Dinner time story… Last night Scott picked up one of those rotisserie turkey’s and some french bread at the store and as I made our plates up for dinner I realized that the turkey would be great for Lucas to eat.  So I put some extra turkey on my plate for him.  Little did I know what I would be starting.  Upon sitting down in the family room with my plate I was converged upon by a sneaky cat and a silly boy.  While I gave Lucas a few slivers of turkey to munch on Montana thought this would be an excellent meal so she began begging.  I caved and put a few pieces down for Montana as well.  As I look up, I see Lucas in the corner of my eye attacking my plate in attempts to get more turkey.  The evening ended in lots of laughter while Montana tried to get the turkey that was left on Lucas’s shirt and hands and Lucas tried to grab Montana’s tail.






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