Ness And Co


I am going to apologize ahead of time because I understand that this post is going to sound juvenile and immature but I simply have to express myself.  (Disclaimer: I was the kid in school who was kept out of health class during sex education due to parent’s request) That was not meant to make anyone feel bad but simply to give some additional background to the situation.

Birthing videos are gross.  i simply can’t understand why anyone would allow their delivery to be recorded.  So you may have figured out that Scott and I started our birthing class yesterday and while the class and instructor are great, the video was, well, just gross.  As Inigo Montoya would say “Let me explain. No, not enough time. Let me sum up”

1) No one wants to see someone else’s va-j-j

2) There is no comfort when in the background you hear the mom yell, “that doesn’t look like a baby”

3) We understand what a placenta is – we DO NOT need to see the doctor examining it for a good 5 minutes on camera

I can go on and on but I will stop for your sake.  At the very end of the movie, I looked over at Scott and just wanted to say, “Are you serious, that is what I am about to go through?”






4 responses to “Gross…”

  1. Scott Avatar

    So I guess now is a bad time to mention that I got the video on DVD and it’s going to be playing on a constant loop until the baby arrives?

  2. Bill Avatar

    Yes, Scott now would be a bad time.

  3. Aunt Kait Avatar
    Aunt Kait

    FREAKIN HILARIOUS!!! I love you guys. That sounds really gross…. and yet, I’m still bummed I won’t be there to share it with you.

  4. Uncle Ian Avatar
    Uncle Ian

    Wow. I am really glad that we won’t have to see that haha

    Do I get to be the Black Sheep of the family uncle…? Because that’s always looked like a fun job.

    I don’t even think we’ve ever had one of those.

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